The Beacon


Read the latest news of both Hatteras and the industry in general here.

Category: Announcement

Online Data Translated To Offline Print

You search for something on the Internet, and are promptly bombarded by ads and offers for the product or its envious competition’s. Your searches and

Hatteras Featured in Printing Impressions

Featured in the August edition of Printing Impressions, Bill and Charlie Duerr are credited with blending the time-tested values of print with an embracement of

USPS Full Service Mail Service Provider Certification

We are excited to announce that Hatteras recently became certified as a USPS Full Service Mail Service Provider (MSP). We are now one of only

Announcing our HP Indigo 10000 Digital Press

The Indigo 10000 bridges the gap between conventional and digital print, allowing Hatteras to provide the most cost effective production method for your job. Whether

Announcing our EFI VUTEk GS5500LXr Pro

We strive to bring relevant solutions to align with your initiatives. Hatteras has recently expanded its service offering with the addition of the most state

It’s Vital Being Green

We are excited to announce... As of November 1, 2014, 100 percent of the energy consumed at Hatteras will be generated from renewable sources. Through

It’s 3D, but is it printing?

Industries are abuzz over technology known as 3D printing, a process that produces three-dimensional objects from a drafted computer model. The technology has emerged in

What’s in a Name?

Name (n): a word or term used for identification Names are unique. They identify a single thing or individual, and are often the foundation of

Color Angles

Do you know why the screen angles in 4 color process printing are so important? The least visible color, yellow, is placed at the most

Hatteras – Lighthouse

Our newest addition to the office, a 25 ft. Hatteras lighthouse! Material: 3M IJ 8624 textured surface adhesive vinyl. Process: Printed on HP L28500 latex

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